Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Too Much To Do

Currently I'm working on three projects. I'm the special effects supervisor on Avi's new film as well as in my alt forms class. Then I'm working on my film, which has fallen far behind schedule. It is a little discouraging. From now on, I am making short films only! I haven't even had time to blog. I haven't even had time to think of an interesting blog post to write. There just isn't time anymore, but I don't want this blog to die so I am checking in with a promise that soon I'll have something to say. I'm working on screenplays and such that I will be able to share.

For now, here is a special effects test that I worked on. It's just a test! Notice the artificial shadows. I'm getting better, eh?

This post is dedicated to the memory of my dog, Angel.