Saturday, July 10, 2010

How Movie Rental Stores Can Stay Open

It is sad to see all these movie rental stores going out of business. Seeing how I'm moving to Iowa City for college in a month, I was searching for a job in the area of the campus. Specifically, I wanted to work for something relating to movies so I found their local movie rental store. Sadly, it is going out of business.

Of course, we could blame RedBox and Netflix... but the real culprit here is YOU! You just couldn't resist Redbox's amazing prices or Netflix's delivery and On-Demand features. Although I have used both Redbox and Netflix, I will not stand for it!

I've worked in the pizza industry for almost five years now, and the most important lesson I have learned is that people like things being delivered to them. So, Netflix got that right. But they take a day at least to deliver. Who decides they want to see a movie and is willing to wait a day? Nobody. That's why movie rental venues have an advantage over Netflix and Redbox. Get in your cars and deliver! In fifteen minutes, the customer could have a movie at their house and they would be willing to pay more for that. And they'd tip. There is no reason someone should have to wait for Netflix to send their movie via the postal service when there are rental venues in every town with capable employees who own cars (Unless you're one of those pricks who likes ordering movies that you can't find in a rental store). Pizza places do it, so Blockbusters should have no problem.

Instant Movie Delivery. Why hasn't anyone done it yet? I expect to be paid for this idea, as I don't want to work for Happy Joe's Pizza the rest of my life and have college to pay for. Looks like I'm doomed to work in the pizza delivery business forever. Oh wait, I'm going to college! University of Iowa, here I come!

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