Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bane to be the Next Batman Movie Villain

It has finally been announced that Bane will be the villain in Christopher Nolan's next Batman film, 'The Dark Knight Rises'. This comes as a shock to many, as all you have to do is Google the anticipated Batman sequel and you'll find dozens of well-done fan movie posters depicting The Riddler, who it was widely assumed would be in this one. However, anyone who is upset needs to keep in mind that Christopher Nolan knows what he is doing.

Bane, who is a cunningly intelligent villain with super strength, will be played by Tom Hardy (Inception). Anyone who isn't a big comic book reader will probably remember Bane mainly from Batman & Robin. In that movie, the actor portraying Bane, Jeep Swenson, died before filming was over from over using steroids or something like that. He wasn't a very popular character in that movie, so it will be interesting to see how Nolan reinvents him.

Anne Hathaway will be playing Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. It isn't mentioned that she will appear as Catwoman in this film but considering the appearance of two villains in Nolan's past Batman films, I assume she will. And as I mentioned in my previous blog which discussed the possible villain candidates, this sequel is the perfect opportunity for Bruce Wayne to mourn his dead girlfriend by rebounding off a certain jewel thief, since all of Gotham now considers him to be the villain.

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