Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bran & Park: Vampire Noir

It is tradition that at the University of Iowa, all Modes classes produce 'Bran & Park'. It's a silly short screenplay that is primarily dialogue, so the class is allowed to interpret it however they want to. Each student is elected a role that would be in a real production--I'm the Assistant Director, which is the role I wanted because I get to yell at people--and we shoot our version of 'Bran & Park' in Studio A. Half the class wanted to make a noir film, the other half wanted to make a vampire film (not because vampire films are good, but because everyone hates them). I came up with the compromise--making a vampire noir. At least I think that was my idea... it's crazy enough to be...

So, rehearsal was a lot of fun. I took some photos. Don't we look so professional?


  1. Haha... Is that a third of your face I see in one of those photos? I think you've misunderstood the rule of thirds... =P

  2. I still have hots for that red hoodie guy! :P
