Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cheesy Effects = Epic Movie?

The race continues to create a short film by the end of January and with just over a month to go, progress has been made. I spent the first few days struggling with the plot. First I wanted to make something dramatic but that turned out being a little too complicated with the short amount of time I have. So I decided on a comedy. After several failed attempts to contact the festival administrators about music legality, I talked to Bradley who told me that I could use any music I wanted and almost came to the conclusion that I would just send 'Probed' instead of shooting a new film. That wouldn't be much fun though, would it? So, with the alien idea still in mind, I concluded that I would make a somewhat sequel to 'Probed'... kind of a comedy epic?

We're not going to say it's a sequel though because obviously the judges of the festival have never seen the first movie. The only reason that I'm considering it a sequel is because it has the same main character and the aliens look exactly the same. The plots don't rely on each other. Which brings us to the storyline. It won't be called 'Probed 2', I've not decided on a title yet so we'll call it that for now. I figured that having a mediocre screenplay and cheesy graphics wouldn't be so bad. 'District 9' had a terrible plot and the cheesiest of graphics but people loved that movie for some reason... how can I fail? I'm working on the screenplay and will put it up for download as soon as it's done.

Before I started I wanted to make sure the special effects worked. I don't have Adobe After Effects so I knew they wouldn't be great. They turned out better than I expected, although they are cheesy, if the shots are quick then the audience might not notice. Here is the test video I made for your enjoyment-

1 comment:

  1. your aliens should have these cords that come out of their hair so they can connect to things. i'm a genius!
